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Dubai Announces Extensive Projects To Transform Transportation, Data And Community Participation

Posted by Kelt&corealty on May 9, 2024

Sheikh Hamdan Bin Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai and Chairman of the Executive Council of Dubai has recently approved a number of projects to improve Dubaiโ€™s transportation infrastructure, strengthen the cityโ€™s standing as a leading destination for global tourism, and flourish its economy to further the vision of Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President, Prime Minister, and Ruler of Dubai.

โ€œDubai represents a bridge between North, South, East and West. It provides state-of-the-art infrastructure for companies, setting the foundation for global expansion.โ€

Sheikh Hamdan states, โ€œWe aim to achieve balanced economic and social development through placing people at the heart of progress and by engaging Dubaiโ€™s community in designing its future.โ€

The Executive Council approved several projects, including a $4.6 billion transportation strategy to contribute to Dubai’s economy, focus on the logistics sector, increase technology adaptation, and improve operational facilities.These projects will improve Dubai’s quality of life and competitiveness.

The project also includes the development of a public bus route that will improve trip time by around 59%. Strategies and policies will be developed to encourage school students to use school transport, reducing traffic flow around schools by 13%.

Also, policies related to flexible working hours and remote work policies within both the private and public sectors will be developed and implemented to reduce traffic congestion in Dubai and across the country. Given the role of emerging technology, The Executive Council also approved projects to flourish a data-centric economy and establish Dubai as a leading destination for a technology-based economy.

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