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Tips for House Shifting in Dubai

Posted by Kelt&corealty on December 11, 2023

Moving in or out of place can be full of hassle and a stressful endeavor. This can be easier with the proper preparations and strategy. If you want to move into a new home in Dubai, here are some tips to consider that will benefit you.

Plan Ahead

House shifting in Dubai has a few procedures to be followed that some tenants do not know they need to learn about. The methods include:

  • Closing your utility bills with DEWA.
  • Updating addresses with banks and essential contacts.
  • Registering your new tenancy with Ejari.

The tenant is responsible for returning the house in the condition he got from the landlord. If any significant damage is done to the property during the tenancy, the tenant must get it fixed before handing it to the landlord. 

It is advisable to contact professional repair and cleaning services providers to get repairs and cleaning done to the property before handing it to the landlord. It will cost some additional but save you time and the terms with your previous landlord. 

Checking Permits

Certain communities and building owners in Dubai require moving-in and out permits. Check if you need any licenses, as getting one can take up to 5 working days. Timely inquiry regarding the matter can save cost and time or add more hassle and stress to an already stressful moving procedure.  

Choosing the Right Moving Company

Getting the help of the right professional moving services can be a critical decision. There are many moving companies in Dubai, but their service quality may vary. It is essential to search about a company before finalizing them. You should inquire about the company, browse online, and look for reviews before contacting and getting a quote at the cost. 

You should also verify the company also has valid trade and insurance licenses. Don’t forget to check that the staff isn’t outsourced to another company because the building or community security often contains the Emirates IDs of the movers before letting them in. 

In Dubai, moving companies offer online quotes, so it is straightforward to compare the prices of different companies. If you are moving anything larger than a one-bedroom apartment, it is advisable to get in touch with the company and get everything surveyed to get an accurate estimation. 

Getting Rid of Excess

House shifting is an excellent opportunity to eliminate things you may not need in the future. This includes any excess furniture, clothes, or different items. Before you start packing, categorize your stuff into the things you need and things to dispose of.

The excess stuff can then be sold or donated to the community, and the packing process can become more efficient and less stressful. This will also help you save time and money when shifting to a new place.

Packing Strategy

Decide how you want to pack your stuff. Some people pack essentials themselves and leave the rest for the helpers, while others leave everything for the services and oversee them. Another thing to keep in mind is how to pack your stuff. This can be categorized into:

Packing an Essential Box

When moving to a new place, mixing all the essential stuff with other stuff can be a disastrous decision. Packaging an essential box with the things you will need right away after you move to your new place is advised. This box can include important documents, a few clothes, and toiletries. This will save time and effort from going through every other box. 

Labelling Boxes

During the packing process, ensure all the boxes are labeled clearly with the contents and the room they belong to. This will help you to prioritize what to unpack first, make unpacking more accessible, and ensure that everything ends up in the right place.

Avoid Buying Expensive Stuff

Moving to a new place can make you feel like you are starting fresh. This can make you consider buying and decorating your new house with new furniture and other stuff. This can result in buying new and expensive furniture that will look and feel beautiful in your new house but will cause a massive dent in your wallet and add more cost to the already costly procedure.

To furnish your new house, consider local auction houses where you can get slightly used but excellent condition furniture for a decent price. If you are into buying new furniture, you can also consider options like Souq or IKEA. They offer great value for money and will only add a little cost.

Getting Extra Help

Usually, moving services help with moving your stuff. But you will need help removing or repairing some minor issues in your new home, which a handyman can fix. This individual can deal with minor adjustments electrical, and plumbing issues. Contacting a handyman in advance can save you time and future troubles.

Moving Timeline

Movers usually work in 3 to 15-person teams. Usually, one crew member is for every five cubic meters to be moved. A one or two-bedroom apartment can generally be done in one day, whereas an entire 3 to 4-bedroom villa could take about 48 hours. Ensure you clarify the timeline with your moving company before the move. This will help you reschedule your appointments and give a clear picture of when you will settle in your new house. 

Consider a Storage Unit

If you miscalculated about your new house, or you are just downsizing and think your current stuff is important, or you’re too emotionally attached to donate or sell it, why not consider a storing option where your stuff can be safe and secure? Plenty of storage options are available in Dubai and are all very secure. Rather than dumping it in your new home, try finding a storage unit nearby and opt for it.


Moving can be exhausting, with a lot of stuff happening very quickly. Stay hydrated, take breaks when needed, and don’t hesitate to ask for help from friends or family if you need it. Considering all the critical points highlighted above, moving to a new place can be less hassle and quite an experience.


How do you choose the right moving company?

Research online and talk with people. Get some reviews and meet with them once to see if you can work with them. Ensure to check their permits and ask for an estimated cost of moving.

Do you need a moving permit in Dubai?

In certain communities, you require a moving permit for your stuff. It is not needed everywhere but in some communities. Ensure to check with the community you’re moving into to save some time, as it may take 5-7 days to get a permit.

How do you get rid of the excess stuff?

Start packing your stuff, which is the most important according to you. Pack it in that order, and in the end, when you are done packing and some of the stuff is left unpacked, that stuff is considered excess, and you should get rid of it.


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