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Tenant Rights to Privacy and Security in the UAE

Posted by Kelt&corealty on May 17, 2024

Tenants enjoy the right to privacy and security in the UAE. The Dubai Real Estate Regulatory Authority requires landlords to ensure the privacy and security of tenants. A landlord is obliged to depersonalize their rented property, respect and protect tenants’ personal details and information, and ensure the privacy and security of tenants’ tenure.

If a tenant observes any breach in his legal rights and does not exclusively enjoy his privacy and security rights, he can escalate the matter to the RERA. With the development of new commercial and residential projects, the rental property business in Dubai is flourishing. People from all over the world visit Dubai for short or long terms, and most people consider rental property options for their stay in the UAE.

Tenants and landlords both have rights and obligations for their common well-being and the protection of their rights. In any rental agreement, both tenants and landlords share a mutual responsibility to uphold each otherโ€™s rights.ย 

What Is A Tenancy Contract?

A tenancy contract is an agreement signed between landlords and tenants based on the rules and regulations crafted by the RERA. This contract precisely defines and accentuates the terms and conditions of that particular rental agreement. It also covers several important aspects, such as the terms of the contract, rent amount, and other obligations and restrictions. Both landlords and tenants are obliged to follow the decided terms and conditions mentioned in the tenancy contract.

what is tenancy contract

Tenants Rights In the UAE:

  • The right to privacy and security
  • The right to have a written tenancy contract
  • The right to have a safe and habitual living environment
  • The right to receive proper notice (as guided by RERA rules) for rent increase
  • The right to have a fair rental contract
  • The right to consider legal channels, if needed
  • The right to get back security deposits
  • The right to timely repairs and maintenance

Do tenants have a right to privacy?

Yes. Tenants have a fundamental right to privacy in their rented accommodation in the UAE. Tenancy law protects the privacy and security of tenants in the UAE, whether it is a commercial lease or residential property. Landlords are obliged to respect tenantsโ€™ privacy and safeguard tenantsโ€™ personal details.ย 

Tenant Rights To Privacy And Security In The UAE:

To ensure a safe and comfortable living environment, tenants in the UAE have been awarded rights related to privacy and security. The purpose of these rights is to protect a tenant from unwanted intrusions and maintain their privacy. Landlords are obliged to respect those rights to foster a harmonious environment. Landlords have to follow certain patterns or procedures to ensure that tenants enjoy their rights and live in a protected environment.

Depersonalize The Property

A landlord is obliged to remove things that belong to him from the rented property. He should remove all personal items such as certificates, awards, documents, and photos before renting an apartment or villa. First, it is a way to show professionalism, and second, removing personal items facilitates the move-in process for tenants. 

Privacy Of Tenants

A landlord must respect the privacy of a tenant. He is even bound to get permission from the tenant before entering the rented property. UAE privacy law states that a landlord must provide a 40-hour notice period to the tenant to prepare for the landlordโ€™s visit and ensure that the right to privacy of the tenant is maintained and not breached. If a landlord wants to enter the rented property, he must serve a notice prior to his visit. There are exceptions in case of emergency and legal requirements.

Protection Of Personal Data

Property owners should also respect the personal data of tenants. They are obliged not to share any personal details of the tenant, such as name, contact information, and financial details. Landlords are prohibited from sharing these sorts of personal details of the tenants without their consent.  Any breach may lead to a legal penalty. Prioritizing tenantsโ€™ privacy and securing their personal data is essential for landlords in the UAE to foster the element of trust.

Security Measures

Landlords are required to maintain adequate security measures to protect tenants’ privacy and security. Property owners cannot install security cameras in a rented property except at the entrance. To protect tenants and their belongings, landlords are responsible for maintaining adequate security measures. They must also ensure that door locks and windows are in working condition.

Respond To Security Concerns

If a tenant has any security concerns, the landlord should take it seriously and respond promptly. It may include additional security measures or coordinating with security authorities in order to address the security concerns of tenants. It is the duty of the landlord to respond on the nail in order to deal with security related concerns of tenants.

Tenants rights in the uae

Can A landlord install security cameras or conduct regular inspections without the permission of the tenant?

A landlord cannot install security cameras inside a rented property. He is not entitled to install cameras inside the premises of a rented property without the consent of the tenant. Also, a property owner is not allowed to enter the rented property without the consent of the tenant. He has to serve a notice letter to prepare the tenant for the inspection of the property.

Summing Up:

Dubai Real Estate Regulatory Authority (RERA) has enforced regulations to ensure the privacy and security of the UAE. According to new rental laws in Dubai, landlords are obliged to ensure the privacy and security of tenants. They must ensure that the personal data of tenants is protected and the privacy of tenants is respected.

Furthermore, property owners must adhere to security measures within the rented property and if a tenant is facing any security hazard, it must be dealt with promptly. For landlords, prioritizing tenants’ rights to privacy and security is essential to creating a conducive and harmonious rental environment in the UAE.

Get Expertโ€™s Guidance To Ensure The Right To Privacy And Security In The UAE:

Kelt & Co Realty is a real estate agency that offers real estate services in Dubai, UAE. This company facilitates real estate sales and purchases and also deals with rental real estate in Dubai, UAE. If you are seeking a rental property such as an apartment, townhouse, villa, or commercial building, then Kelt & Co Realtyโ€™s professionals can assist you in finding the most viable option. Furthermore, our experts can also assist you in case you are experiencing any issues related to your rights.


What protections and securities do tenants have in Dubai, UAE?

Landlords cannot enter the premises of rented properties. A landlord must serve a notice to ensure that the tenant is ready for his visit. A landlord is obliged to protect the tenant’s personal information, maintain all security measures, and deal with security-related concerns of tenants. In addition, a landlord cannot unilaterally terminate the valid rental agreement, as stated in Article 7 of the RERA tenancy law.

What are the rights of tenants in the UAE?

Both landlords and tenants have both rights and obligations. Tenants enjoy a number of rights in Dubai.ย Their rights include but are not limited to the rights of privacy and security, the right to have a written tenancy contract, the right to have a safe living environment, the right to get security deposits back, the right to have a fair rental contract, etc.

What is the role of RERA in Dubai, UAE?

Real Estate Regulatory Authority Dubai was established in 2007 to regulate the real estate market. It oversees the registration and regulation of real estate brokers, developers, agents, and all other entities involved in the industry. It also sets quality standards and guidelines for real estate development.

How to raise a complaint against a landlord in the UAE?

A tenant has the right to escalate the matter to the RERA if he observes a breach in the rental contract by the landlord. The Real Estate Regulatory Authority (RERA) is responsible for addressing such issues, either raised by landlords or tenants.

Can a landlord disclose the personal information of the tenant without his consent?

No. A landlord cannot disclose any information related to the tenant. He is prohibited from sharing the personal information of the tenant with a third party without their consent. However, if there is any legal matter, then he can provide information related to the tenant.ย 

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