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How do you File Rental Disputes in Dubai with an RERA License

Posted by Kelt&corealty on October 16, 2023

The high rents in Dubai have become a significant issue among landlords and tenants, with a 25% increase in rental rates being reported. As Dubai continues to attract individuals worldwide seeking luxury, opportunity, and a vibrant lifestyle, rental disputes in Dubai have become common in the city. Finding a fair and just solution can be daunting for those in the rental market, whether as a landlord or tenant. 

Imagine yourself as a tenant, living in one of the most exquisite apartments in Dubai, only to find yourself in a dispute with your landlord over rent payment or a sudden rent increase. Such scenarios can cast a shadow over Dubai’s glittering oasis, and it is essential to have a reliable ally that can offer a just and objective solution.

The Real Estate Regulatory Agency, commonly called RERA, comes into play. With a RERA license, you will have access to the knowledge and expertise needed to navigate rental disputes in Dubai with RERA. This comprehensive guide will provide you with the key to peaceful coexistence in this bustling city, regardless of whether you are a landlord or a tenant.

Join us on this adventure and learn how to resolve rental conflicts while ensuring fairness and safety for all.

When to Consider Filing a Rental Dispute in Dubai with RERA?

In Dubai’s regulated real estate market, disputes between tenants and landlords can still occur for various reasons, such as issues with rental payments, rent increases, and other matters. The ideal action is resolving the dispute through amicable communication and negotiation. However, if these efforts prove unsuccessful, filing a dispute with RERA regarding the rental may be necessary.

RERA is a specialized organization that mediates conflicts between tenants and landlords. 

  • Non-payment of rent by the tenant
  • Unjustified rent increases by landlords, 
  • The tenants refused to vacate the property, 
  • Landlords are cutting off essential services to force eviction.

It is important to note that the Rent Disputes Resolution Centre, supervised by RERA, has jurisdiction over most rental disputes in Dubai, except for financial lease contracts. Disputes in Dubai with rera approval concerning the return of security deposits, tenants and landlords should seek mediation from RERA.

How to Initiate a Rental Dispute in Dubai In RERA?

If you’re a tenant in Dubai and are in a rental dispute, the Rent Dispute Resolution Centre (RDC) is where you can bring your case. Both tenants and landlords can seek resolution for rental disputes through the RDC. Here are the steps tenants in Dubai should follow to file a complaint against their landlord.

Step 1: Know Dubai’s Tenancy Law

Before filing a dispute with RERA, it’s crucial to familiarize yourself with Dubai’s Tenancy Law. This legislation governs rental agreements in the city and covers various issues related to landlord-tenant relations.

For example, landlords must provide at least 90 days’ notice before raising rent, with the increase amount determined by RERA’s rent index. If you need more clarification about the specifics of the law, consider consulting with a lawyer.

Step 2: Communicate with the Other Party

Once you understand the applicable laws, you must communicate your concerns and legal position to the other party. Keep a record of all correspondence, especially if your dispute involves rent disagreements. If you can’t reach an agreement, the next step is to file a dispute with RERA.

Step 3: Gather Your Documents

To register a dispute with RERA, you’ll need specific documents, including your tenancy agreement and certificate in Ejari format, the most recent DEWA bill, the landlord’s passport and title deed, your passport and visa, your Emirates ID, receipts for security deposits, copies of checks written to the landlord, and documentation of any letters exchanged by both parties. If necessary, some documents may need to be translated into Arabic.

Step 4: Register Your Case

Take your paperwork to the main office of the Rental Dispute Resolution Centre in Deira or submit an online dispute through the Rent Disputes Resolution portal. Follow the instructions provided to file your grievance.

Step 5: Proceed with the Case

Once you’ve presented your case, the Arbitration Department will try to resolve it within 15 days. If both parties agree to the resolution, it will be recorded and legally binding. If arbitration is unsuccessful, you may need to initiate legal proceedings.

A decision on the lawsuit is typically reached within a month, and RERA will set up a hearing for your rental dispute case if you decide to file a lawsuit against your landlord. The length of the hearing may vary depending on the number of cases assigned.


When renting a property in Dubai, it’s essential to understand the Tenancy Law in order to avoid rental disputes in Dubai. With a RERA license from the Dubai Land Department and proper procedures adherence, landlords and tenants can benefit from a structured process that ensures fairness and justice. However, this process may take some time before a resolution is reached. 

For a hassle-free and equitable rental experience in Dubai, Kelt & Co. is your solution. As your partners in the real estate industry, we offer unparalleled industry knowledge, exceptional customer service, and meticulous attention to detail.

Let us redefine your real estate journey with our dedication to excellence. Choose KElt&Co for all your rental and real estate needs and gain access to Dubai’s finest luxury properties.


How do I resolve a rental dispute in Dubai? 

You can file a case with RERA’s Rent Disputes Resolution Centre to resolve a dispute regarding a rental agreement in Dubai. 

Can a landlord increase rent more than RERA Dubai? 

RERA limits how much a landlord can raise rent, which cannot be exceeded. 

What is the new RERA law in Dubai? 

According to Decree No. 43 of 2013, the new RERA law in Dubai regulates rent increases.  

How much rent can be increased in Dubai as per RERA? 

It allows for a maximum increase of up to 20% based on specific criteria.  


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